// FAQ //

who da hell are you? 
i'm a weirdo that has a degree in time wasting, a crush on fashion and photography and a serious mental issue with shoes.
i'm also a british roast beef living in the land of french froggies.

how old are you? 
i'm 16 years old.

are you studying photography? 
i wish. i'm in a international french school (don't get me started on how much I hate it)  currently taking IGCSEs but hope to get into London College of Fashion to study styling and photography.

what camera do you use / who takes your photos? 
i use my Canon 600D and i either take my photos myself with a tripod or shove my camera in the nearest person's hands hoping they'll snap up some decent pictures.

is this your first blog? 
nope! my first one was Poppy Does which lasted about 2 years.

why is your blog called 'in the shade'? 
it took me a while to find a good name for my blog but i wanted something that actually meant something to me (excuse me while i just go vom). 
in the end i choose 'in the shade' because i find it relates to the fact i live in a town where fashion, blogging, creativity and originality in general is criticized and almost laughed at.

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